Introspection & Reflection

Daily Prompt: The Virtue and Value of Patience

Picture the one person in the world you really wish were reading your blog. Write her or him a letter. I decided to sub in a group of people. Because for whatever reason, this is just not sinking in.

To my cheerleading team: Take. a. chill. pill.
You need to learn how to walk before you can run.
Don’t put the cart before the horse.
Rome wasn’t built in a day.  *sub in another popular idiom if preferred*
You need to have patience–patience with the process, patience with each other, and most importantly patience with yourself. I know we all strive to be the best and are (somewhat sadly) driven to value success above all else, but the path to success is neither either easy nor always clear. It is not without obstacles and it is not without setbacks.

The season is a marathon–not a sprint. So the time you spend now learning to appreciate and support your teammates, focusing on the basics, and building strength together will make you the stronger team in the end.

And finally, don’t talk to me about not feeling confident. I cannot give you confidence. Running this routine on the mat 35 million times will not give you confidence–it will make you feel prepared but don’t mistake that feeling for confidence. Confidence does not require preparation, it does not require perfect circumstances, and it does not require someone else’s opinon. No one else can provide it for you or take it from you. It is mindset. It is a habit of mind. It is a determination and belief in yourself–no matter how much time you’ve had to prepare or who your audience is or how stressful the situation is. Confidence is an aura you wear and exude when you believe in yourself–and in your team. The sooner you choose to take on this mindset, the sooner you will see the results you are looking for.  It cannot happen any other way.

I love you all and have complete faith you will do just fine. But–stop stressing me out.

Here we go!

Coach (did I use enough cliche sayings for your liking?)

2 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: The Virtue and Value of Patience

  1. Pingback: Musings: On Peace… | Mirth and Motivation

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